pendent de posar el text i contingut
This piece emerges from a fascination with creating live soundscapes—Voice(S)capes—through the fusion of dance and digital arts. It explores the interplay between voice, body, and space. The present serves as the workspace, and inquiry as the method to chart the path. ‘Nothing’ is both the origin and the destination.
Through playful engagement and attentive listening, I catalyze voices and sounds that traverse and transform me, moving reciprocally from the external to the internal and vice versa. Transitioning from artificiality to organization, I delve into explorations of my own existence in relation to sound, which I perceive as a form of thought.
Originating from silence and returning to it, each sound and movement could represent an autobiographical snippet. This project builds on my prior work, WILDER WHITE, a solo performance that relies on spontaneous sound and movement composition. NAN continues this investigative journey.
Idea, creation: Anna Fontanet
Sound space and digital arts: Anna Fontanet
Dramaturgical advice: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu
Vocal advice: Numil Guerra
Lighting: Irene Ferrer Panicot
Photography and video: Silvia Parés and Tristán Perez-Martín
Costume: Krizia Robustella
Supported by:
Generalitat de Catalunya | Departament de Cultura, La Caldera Les Corts | Centre de creació , La Faktoria | Centre coreogràfic, Danzalava | Festival Internacional de dansa i moviment, Azala | Espai de creació .