This piece is born out of curiosity to create live soundscapes —Voice(S)capes— through the fusion of dance and digital arts. It explores the interaction between voice, body, and space. The present serves as the workspace, and research becomes the method for charting the path. “Void” is both the origin and the destination.
Through the integration of a certain artificial consciousness and the process of real-time sound creation, “N.A.N.” is an investigation into the human capacity to listen, question, and redefine itself through the soundscapes generated, from technology to the body.
Through play and listening, I catalyze voices and sounds that traverse and transform me, moving reciprocally from the exterior to the interior and vice versa. Transitioning from artificiality to organicity, I delve into the exploration of my own existence in relation to sound, which I perceive as a form of thought.
I come from silence and return to it. Every sound and every gesture could represent an autobiographical fragment.
Idea and Creation: Anna Fontanet
Soundscape and Digital Arts: Anna Fontanet
Dramaturgical Advisor: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu
Vocal Advisor: Numil Guerra
Lighting: Irene Ferrer Panicot
Photography and Video: Silvia Parés and Tristán Perez-Martín
Costume Design: Krizia Robustella
With the support of:
@Silvia Parés